Educated People Can be Stupid
Being in the environmental business (and yes it is a business) I have painfully come to realize that people (and yes consultants and contractors are people) are just stupid. There should be rules out there that say if a business man/woman can’t write her own proposals their business should just fold. No questions no comment their business should just go away. I had a favored “consultant” send me a proposal a few weeks back which I kicked back to him. Simple directions actually, “one facility one proposal.” Simple???? I don’t think so. What I received was for the second time in a row was one proposal for three facilities. Ok simple misunderstanding, maybe but the inability to comprehend simple instruction more likely; oh and is it too much to ask for some simple text to go with that proposal in addition to a spread sheet? As I am rewriting the proposal for the “consultant,” who by the way claims to be a professional engineer, he calls, “oh I’ll fix that right away and get it back to you.” Sure enough an email arrives late this afternoon with not one, not three, but SIX proposals for three facilities. Simple? I don’t think so. How this simpleton can get six proposals for three facility I will never truly understand I to tell the truth I don’t know that I want to understand because if I can that put me on his level….. it should just go away.
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