Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Teenage Boys Can be Stupid

Well before the sun came up I took the family pets for a walk to the local park. Partially because they love getting out of the house sniffing and peeing on each fire hydrant and tree on our quarter mile hike and partially (ok well mostly) because the fat on my back side has gotten out of control and walking is my feeble attempt to stop it from getting worse. Both dogs loose their minds when the leashes come out of the closet; the female Labrador walked out of the house excited but not causing damage. However, the hundred pound male beast knocked over multiple items on the way to the front door and was trying to squeeze his 9 inch wide head through a door the was open less that 1 inch. After attempts to calm him down while keeping him from knocking me over and bolting across the street (my poor wife must have wanted to beat me for making so much racket), I finally got a leash on the lovable but stupid creature and headed out the door.

While on my walk, which was more like a game of tug-of-war with the beast, it occurs to me that there is something about teenage boys (human and canine) that removes their already diluted brains, making them simply stupid. Of course I was never like that in my life but well you know that story.

It appears that testosterone has replaced what little gray matter my dog had to begin with. Extrapolating this to the human teenager in my life (my 15 year old son), there are several similarities. Neither one understands direction when their vacant heads are pointed in any given direction (like, yes you can walk across the tracks but watch out for trains), all they hear is yes. They both refuse to listen to reason (not that I expect to the dog to but the boy should; example, if you want girls to like you, taking a bath is in your best interest but yet he runs out the door without combing his hair or brushing his teeth). In the same vein, the dog just jumps over fences or digs under (most of the time hurting himself along the way) to get to the female. Around females of interest, the boy slobbers not being able to form words and trips over curbs, his own feet, or whatever is handy. Both uncaringly track dirt into my home. Both see recreation/play as an absolute must, ignoring all other directions or suggestions; but when suggestions become commands the, why are you picking on me face come out. Both eat like animals, are clumsy, fun loving, and a joy albeit aggravating at times.

This past fall I was sitting in a deer blind hunting with my now 15 year old, explaining to him in great detail how being focused on a single issue/item/goal can be beneficial but also dangerous because one needs to be aware of the things surrounding him. Pointing out that tripping over curbs while staring at the little hottie going down the street could cause him and/or others harm and that he looked like a fool. While having this conversation he shoots and desperately wants to run out to see if he bagged his prey. Pointing out that he needs to be careful not to trip over the cactus, step on snakes, or otherwise cause damage to himself or physical property (oh and that gun, it stayed with me in the blind), the boy bangs his little vacant head so hard on the door frame of the blind that he knocked himself silly, literally. Of course being the caring and loving father that I am, I was blessed with the opportunity to say, See what I mean? and I told you to be careful.

Lesson learned – boys can be stupid


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